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Florist Choice Hand-Tied Bouquet


Not sure which bouquet to choose? Let our expert florists surprise you with our Florist Choice Hand-tied Bouquet. Using the freshest seasonal blooms, each arrangement is uniquely designed to reflect the vibrant beauty of the season, offering a thoughtful and personal touch that’s sure to delight.

Perfect for any occasion, this bespoke bouquet brightens any space, making it an ideal gift for birthdays, celebrations, or simply spreading happiness. Trust us to craft something truly special just for you.

Please note: Due to seasonal variations, each bouquet will feature a unique mix of flower varieties and colors. Rest assured, your arrangement will always be fresh, stunning, and perfectly suited to any occasion.

  • Orders received after 3pm (UK Time) Monday to Friday cannot be despatched until the following working day.
  • Delivery dates are subject to the terms of the method of delivery selected.
  • We can deliver to any postal address in the UK.
  • We do not deliver outside the UK.
  • There are no deliveries on Sunday's or Bank Holiday's.



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Licensing Act 1995 - It is an offence for any person under 18 years to buy or attempt to buy alcoholic liquor.


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Our Guarantee

Our fresh flower bouquets are all guaranteed for at least 7 days. Customer service has always been key to us and we believe that this aspect of our business. This means that we go that extra mile to ensure that you will not be just satisfied, but delighted with our service.

UK Delivery Service

Indulge in our convenient trackable UK delivery service. All our flowers and plant gifts will be delivered to you via either a trackable or Guaranteed Special Delivery. Rest assured; your gift will still be securely packaged in our specially designed boxes to ensure they arrive in perfect condition.

Optional Extras

Handmade chocolates truffles, fine wines, greetings cards and teddy bears are all available to add as a little extra to make your gift even more special. They can be added to your gift during the checkout process.